How do I redeem a Dododex Pro promo code?

If you received a Dododex Pro promo code for translating Dododex or from an official promotion, you can easily redeem the code for a free upgrade to Pro.


  1. Open the Google Play Store app
  2. Tap the main menu and then tap “Redeem” in the menu list
  3. Enter your promo code and then tap Redeem
  4. Open the Dododex app
  5. Under the main menu (top left button) tap “Dododex Pro”
  6. On the bottom of the Dododex Pro screen, tap “Restore Purchases“

Dododex will recognize that you already own Dododex Pro, so it’ll automatically upgrade you to the Pro version.


  1. Open the App Store app
  2. On the “Featured” tab, scroll all the way to the bottom to find the “Redeem” button
  3. Enter your promo code
  4. Open the Dododex app
  5. Under the main menu (top left button) tap “Dododex Pro” On the bottom of the Dododex Pro screen, tap “Restore Purchases“

Dododex will recognize that you already own Dododex Pro, so it’ll automatically upgrade you to the Pro version.

App Store Promo Codes Expire: Please note that app store promo codes always have an expiration date. Use your code as soon as possible to prevent expiration.